Ok, so we all know about this silly female that is willing to exploit and degrade at any chance possible just to get some cameras in her face, or a somewhat famous person into her bed, but lately her antics on Twitter have been just extremely ignorant. She turned her Twitter account into a huge racist rant full of stereotypes, and then claimed that she was going to kill herself:
Check this mess out (thanks MTO)
And I'm guessing she thought she would get a sympathetic reaction, but a lot of people actually began telling her to do it, and that no one believes her. Now I am normally a believer that one should always be taken seriously when they say they are going to commit suicide, but Tila Tequila tried this same nonsense two weeks ago. It seems anytime she can't get enough attention she begins talking about killing herself.
To make matters even worse, she is referring to herself now as one of God's Chosen Ones. She is saying that God told her He needs her up in Heaven, and that shes been revived back to life on more than one occasion. Come on, now! Do you REALLY think that God would choose a suicidal, attention seeking, highly promiscuous chick that does ANYBODY and ANYTHING for camera time as His Chosen one?! I don't like this heffa. She's no better than the so called "ignorant, uneducated, welfare-having" african american people she's putting down on her page. Not to mention, she has some of her followers (who knows WHY she even has as many followers as she does) saying that they'll commit suicide with her. What kind of person starts a suicide trend? Why is this cool? It's time we start ignoring the ignorance of attention-seeking sluts, and maybe we wouldn't have so many of them!
(TAKEN FROM TILA's Tweet page )
I totally give up on tryng to save the human race. They are not worth saving anymore. I agree with God. No wonder he wants da world 2 end.about 4 hours ago from web
Yaw lowlives complaining about how u have it so bad in ur life..who fault is that? YOUR OWN! Get a fucking education & stop bein lazy!about 4 hours ago from web
I am going to kill myself cuz I do not want to live in a world where its filled with IGNORANCE! Which majority of you ARE! & racist!
Yaw lowlives complaining about how u have it so bad in ur life..who fault is that? YOUR OWN! Get a fucking education & stop bein lazy!about 4 hours ago from web
I am going to kill myself cuz I do not want to live in a world where its filled with IGNORANCE! Which majority of you ARE! & racist!
U dont believe me cuz are just little rats in this world. I call you "FILLERS" to keep it moving. But me & a few others R the chosen ones,about 6 hours ago from web
I know exactly how the world is going to end and when it will happen. I know everything about that. God told me and showed it to me.about 6 hours ago from web
I know exactly how the world is going to end and when it will happen. I know everything about that. God told me and showed it to me.about 6 hours ago from web
of things. When the docs brought me back to life. I never saw the world the same again. Im telling u now. I am God's Messenger.about 6 hours ago from web
When I had my death experiences, I actually died twice and saw the light. My life never been the same since..I saw God & he told me lots
When I had my death experiences, I actually died twice and saw the light. My life never been the same since..I saw God & he told me lots
I know more about God than any of u. I had 6 near death experiences and died a few times N docs brought me back 2 life I seen the other sideabout 7 hours ago from UberTwitter
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