A hater is someone that is jealous andenvious and spends all their timetrying to make you look small so theycan look tall.
When you make your mark, you willalways attract some haters... That'swhy you have to be careful who youshare your blessings and your dreamswith because some folk can't handleseeing you blessed...
It's dangerous to be like somebodyelse... If God wanted you to be likesomebody else He would have given youwhat he gave them.
You don't know what people have gonethrough to get what they have... (Theproblem I have with haters is that theysee my glory, but theydon't know my story...) If the grasslooks greener on the other side of thefence, you can rest assured that thewater bill is higher there too.Most of our haters are people that aresupposed to be on our side. How doyou handle the haters who you at leastexpect to have your guard upagainst? You can handle your haters by:
1. Knowing who you are & who yourtrue friends are2. Having a purpose3. By remembering what you have is bydivineprerogative and not human manipulation.
Purpose does not mean having a job. Youcan have a job and still beunfilled. A purpose is having a clearsense of what God has called you tobe. Your purpose is not defined by whatothers think about you.
You will always be trying to get stuffbecause the more stuff you have willimprove what others think about you,but what others think will last aslong as the stuff last.
When God gives you favor, you can tellyour haters, "Don't look atme...Lookat who is in charge of me...
Remember, it isn't about you, but it'sall about God.
Watch out for the haters!!
When you make your mark, you willalways attract some haters... That'swhy you have to be careful who youshare your blessings and your dreamswith because some folk can't handleseeing you blessed...
It's dangerous to be like somebodyelse... If God wanted you to be likesomebody else He would have given youwhat he gave them.
You don't know what people have gonethrough to get what they have... (Theproblem I have with haters is that theysee my glory, but theydon't know my story...) If the grasslooks greener on the other side of thefence, you can rest assured that thewater bill is higher there too.Most of our haters are people that aresupposed to be on our side. How doyou handle the haters who you at leastexpect to have your guard upagainst? You can handle your haters by:
1. Knowing who you are & who yourtrue friends are2. Having a purpose3. By remembering what you have is bydivineprerogative and not human manipulation.
Purpose does not mean having a job. Youcan have a job and still beunfilled. A purpose is having a clearsense of what God has called you tobe. Your purpose is not defined by whatothers think about you.
You will always be trying to get stuffbecause the more stuff you have willimprove what others think about you,but what others think will last aslong as the stuff last.
When God gives you favor, you can tellyour haters, "Don't look atme...Lookat who is in charge of me...
Remember, it isn't about you, but it'sall about God.
Watch out for the haters!!
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