Thursday, October 8, 2009

What is UP. "Dr" Phil??!

A woman named Shirley Dieu has filed a lawsuit against TV's well-known Dr. Phil, stating that he acted inappropriately during their therapy session. Shirley claims that he forced her to remain in a room with a completely naked man, and was blocked from leaving when she tried to eliminate herself from the situation. She also stated that Dr. Phil touched on her breast during the session. She reports that these events emotionally and physically abusive to her. Wowzers!

If these things did occur, then my question is .....what the heck is wrong with you, Dr. Phil? Thousands of people trust that you are accurate in what you say or do, following your psychological advice, as well as wisdom on everyday life, and is this the kind of thing you do to let the people down?

I also read that he may not even be licensed to practice in California, and that he may only be considered a TV expert. I'm not trying to take away from Dr. Phil's wisdom and or fame, because he does make valid points, and reach people in a way that not too many can. However, if these events did happen to Shirley Dieu, this matter should be magnified, and exposed for everyone to see. Inappropriate situations such as these need to be stopped.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Check out these Fab shoes Alicia's wearing in her new video!!

Can't wait to see the finished video and look, Alicia!!!! Those shoes are BAD!!!!!

Shame on you, Sheila Johnson!!!!

There have been articles on the net about Sheila Johnson, the co-founder of BET, mimicking Democratic Creigh Deeds on his stuttering problem. Here's the video:

She has since expressed her apologies for this behavior, but am I the only one who feels that this was embarassing and pretty low of her to mock someone's speech impediment while addressing an audience? Who does that?! I guess Miss Sheila does!

We have got to get it together! This is the same woman who created "Teen Summit", the same woman who decided that she was done with BET, due to the shows and videos becoming unsettling for her spiritual nature. So with professing her purity all over the net, and in speeches to kids across the world, how can she later go on to make fun of someone's stuttering in front of anyone that was willing to listen? Talk about RUDE!!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Tila Tequila: Can we say ATTENTION WHORE?

Ok, so we all know about this silly female that is willing to exploit and degrade at any chance possible just to get some cameras in her face, or a somewhat famous person into her bed, but lately her antics on Twitter have been just extremely ignorant. She turned her Twitter account into a huge racist rant full of stereotypes, and then claimed that she was going to kill herself:

Check this mess out (thanks MTO)

And I'm guessing she thought she would get a sympathetic reaction, but a lot of people actually began telling her to do it, and that no one believes her. Now I am normally a believer that one should always be taken seriously when they say they are going to commit suicide, but Tila Tequila tried this same nonsense two weeks ago. It seems anytime she can't get enough attention she begins talking about killing herself.

To make matters even worse, she is referring to herself now as one of God's Chosen Ones. She is saying that God told her He needs her up in Heaven, and that shes been revived back to life on more than one occasion. Come on, now! Do you REALLY think that God would choose a suicidal, attention seeking, highly promiscuous chick that does ANYBODY and ANYTHING for camera time as His Chosen one?! I don't like this heffa. She's no better than the so called "ignorant, uneducated, welfare-having" african american people she's putting down on her page. Not to mention, she has some of her followers (who knows WHY she even has as many followers as she does) saying that they'll commit suicide with her. What kind of person starts a suicide trend? Why is this cool? It's time we start ignoring the ignorance of attention-seeking sluts, and maybe we wouldn't have so many of them!

(TAKEN FROM TILA's Tweet page )

I totally give up on tryng to save the human race. They are not worth saving anymore. I agree with God. No wonder he wants da world 2 end. from web

Yaw lowlives complaining about how u have it so bad in ur life..who fault is that? YOUR OWN! Get a fucking education & stop bein lazy! from web

I am going to kill myself cuz I do not want to live in a world where its filled with IGNORANCE! Which majority of you ARE! & racist!

U dont believe me cuz are just little rats in this world. I call you "FILLERS" to keep it moving. But me & a few others R the chosen ones, from web

I know exactly how the world is going to end and when it will happen. I know everything about that. God told me and showed it to me. from web

of things. When the docs brought me back to life. I never saw the world the same again. Im telling u now. I am God's Messenger. from web

When I had my death experiences, I actually died twice and saw the light. My life never been the same since..I saw God & he told me lots

I know more about God than any of u. I had 6 near death experiences and died a few times N docs brought me back 2 life I seen the other side from UberTwitter

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lady Gaga on SNL (Saturday Night Live)

For those of you who doubt this magical, extremely talented woman, her performance should shut you guys up. I hear so many people saying that Lady Gaga can't sing, because they only hear her pop, catchy songs on the radio, but the truth is, the girl can sing, dance, and put on a FIERCE show. I really enjoyed this performance on SNL, and think that it shows her creativity, as well her excellent piano skills, and vocal range.Check it out!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

RIP Derrion Albert

Funeral Services are being held for 16 yr. old Derrion Albert of Chicago, an honor student who was fatally beaten after school by a group of teenage boys, four of which are being held without bond. Members of the NAACP, including President Benjamin Todd Jealous, have been expected to attend.

It really breaks my heart to hear about the senseless, ruthless beating of an honor student, with such a promising future. I think that it's really sad how teenage violence has so drastically gotten out of control. It terrifies thinking that this is the type of world I am raising my 4 yr. old son in, and how bad things could possibly be by the time he becomes a teenager.

I can only imagine the hurt and anger Derrion Albert's family feels. They are in my prayers, and will continue to be. We have got to start doing our part. Anyone can sit back and say "Those aren't my kids", and "That would never happen to my boy" but the truth of the matter is that we all play a part in this unecessary violence that is such a deadly extracurricular activity nowadays.

What happened to the days when kids played sports after school? What happened to socializing with your friends, and just hanging out? What kind of a world do we live in, where kids sit around and fight, and not just with their fists, but with BOARDS?

We have to start helping get these kids out of the street, and involved in positive things.

You get what you go looking for

Ok, we've all heard about the saying's "you always find what you're looking for", or "you catch what you're chasing", right? Well, why is it that we continue to ask ourselves (men and women) why we never seem to find a good match or partner? Here are some tips on reeling in a "good catch" in the future.
When thinking in comparisons, the dating game is like a pond, or river, ocean, etc. Everybody always refers to the single life, as testing the "fish in the sea". Well, this analogy is accurate, and that's what we'll use to discuss this crazy thing called dating. The most important thing to take into consideration is figuring out where you want to select this potential partner. This is important because the location you find the person of interest in can be very representative of their lifestyle. For instance, if you find a guy of interest while you're out at a nightclub, you must make a mental note that this guy does like to party, and has somewhat of a night life. It's always hilarious to hear people complaining about their partner being in the club too much, or that they wish their partner would be home more. If they were clubbing when you met them, you have no right to be upset if they continue to club once you are officially a couple. This doesn't apply to everyone; there are some people that tone down or cease their night life altogether eventually, whether it be due to getting to feel too old for the scene, or just simply to make their partner happy. PLEASE DON'T BE FOOLED, however about the location you meet a person at. There are plenty of people that know the tricks and trades, and will post up at places like the library, grocery store, and sadly, even the church in order to come across as a good guy, or try to find a "good girl". So focusing exclusively on the location of where you find a potential mate can be deceiving, but it is a good thing to pay attention to.
Next, you want to be real with yourself, and decide exactly what kind of guy/gal you really want in your life. So many people automatically go for the most handsome or most attractive person, which is fairly normal, since physical attraction is what appeals to most people first upon first contact. However, you want to make sure that you keep an open mind, and check out other attributes, such as personality. You could miss out on a good thing, or even the perfect mate, by just overlooking someone because they may not have more muscles or a greater smile than the next individual. This would be a perfect time to point out the people that are only interested in looking for men or women that are wealthy. Although it's always nice to have gifts given in a relationship, searching for a partner for materialistic reasons never really turns out as it should. Not only that, women are definitely looked upon in a negative way for this behavior, as well as men. And we don't need a world full of golddiggers, groupies, and/or hopeless male moochers, do we?
Keeping what kind of partner you want in mind, this leads me to my next point. If you want to appeal to a certain type of person, you need to dress to impress. When you go in for an interview at a job, you dress accordingly, so why can't that be applied to the dating game? It is important to always try to look your best, because this not only makes you look good, it also makes you feel good, and appear approachable by others. No one wants to be around someone that looks like they just jumped out of the bed, no matter how much a guy says that a girl is her cutest in sweatpants and things like that (the line has to be drawn somewhere!). How you dress can affect the type of person you attract. Ladies, if you are always dressed provocatively, don't be surprised or upset when the attention you get is negative and always sexual. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being sexy, but sexiness can be achieved in many different ways that don't involve your cheeks hanging out of your shorts or dress, or wearing shorts that fit like underwear. There's a difference between sexy and skanky. This can be applied to my fellas as well: if you are always in raggedy tennis shoes, dingy white tees, and things of the like, don't expect to find a woman that is well dressed and manicured, or a business woman. It has nothing to do with a woman feeling like she's too good for the next man; if you find yourself always saying that a woman is stuck up or may be time to evaluate your appearance and demeanor.
It is extremely important to represent what you want in life, and who you want in your life. The way you carry yourself and maintain your appearance can speak a thousand volumes. And like they catch what you fish for.

Haters..think thats what we call them!!

A hater is someone that is jealous andenvious and spends all their timetrying to make you look small so theycan look tall.
When you make your mark, you willalways attract some haters... That'swhy you have to be careful who youshare your blessings and your dreamswith because some folk can't handleseeing you blessed...
It's dangerous to be like somebodyelse... If God wanted you to be likesomebody else He would have given youwhat he gave them.
You don't know what people have gonethrough to get what they have... (Theproblem I have with haters is that theysee my glory, but theydon't know my story...) If the grasslooks greener on the other side of thefence, you can rest assured that thewater bill is higher there too.Most of our haters are people that aresupposed to be on our side. How doyou handle the haters who you at leastexpect to have your guard upagainst? You can handle your haters by:
1. Knowing who you are & who yourtrue friends are2. Having a purpose3. By remembering what you have is bydivineprerogative and not human manipulation.
Purpose does not mean having a job. Youcan have a job and still beunfilled. A purpose is having a clearsense of what God has called you tobe. Your purpose is not defined by whatothers think about you.
You will always be trying to get stuffbecause the more stuff you have willimprove what others think about you,but what others think will last aslong as the stuff last.
When God gives you favor, you can tellyour haters, "Don't look atme...Lookat who is in charge of me...
Remember, it isn't about you, but it'sall about God.
Watch out for the haters!!

Eyes on the Prize...or Path?

Growing up, I was told time and time again to keep my eyes on the prize. Everyone seemed to emphasize on the end results of working hard, and winning the ultimate prize. But now that I have gotten older, and evaluated things in life a little bit more, I realize that it's not about the's about the race, or the pathway leading up to the prize. I think that we should stay focused on the hard work that leads up to the win.
Let's think about things in literal terms. If we were to keep out eyes on the finish line only, then how would we stay in our lanes, and not get tied up in possible obstacles? In other words, if all we're going to focus on is the reward we're going to get when we're done, then it could be easy to overlook the hard work and discipline we put into achieving the end result. That hard work is the most important aspect to me.
Prizes come in the form of money, trophies, ribbons, etc. All of these things can eventually fade or disappear at some point in time. Trophies tend to gather dust , ribbons are usually put away and forgotten about, and money, of course, is spent. So why do we put all this emphasis on the prize? Everyone wants to be able to say that they earned this, or won that, but it's the blood, sweat, tears, and determination that makes winning worthwhile.
This is why, when some people cheat, their reward or prize is taken away from them. Think about those athletes that were found guilty of using performance-enhancement drugs such as steroids. When this information was uncovered, they were stripped of their medals and so forth, because they didn't earn them honestly. How you complete your race, makes you who you are.
There are many awards that I won growing up, and I couldn't begin to tell you what some of them are. However, I can still remember the grueling hours of practice I spent singing to prepare for the State competition, or how I used to write "practice" stories and poetry during all of my free time, even when others would make fun of some of the things that I would write about. Many entertainers can tell story after story of how they would be in the studio all night, writing or recording, leading up to having chart topping albums. This is what counts. Other artists brag about all their nice cars, all the money they have to throw away, clothes, status, and sometimes that can cause a misunderstanding as to what life is really about....the hard work put into success....or the success itself? Which one really defines who YOU are?