I've always heard that cooking and cleaning are the way to a man's heart from almost every female I've come across. This is what is taught to many daughters around the country, passed down generation to generation, and this has also become part of the desperate call of the "other woman". Now I understand that cleanliness is a great practice, because it's sanitary, it declutters your life, and it makes anything appear in a nicer way. However, does having a clean home really help you keep your man?
I know many females that are always bragging and boasting about cooking for men, or cleaning their houses because they're dirty. However, most of these women fall into two categories: They are either chasing someone else's man, or they are just a booty call to that guy and either don't know it, or won't admit it.
In my opinion, I don't think that either of those things will keep a man, or win a man's heart. I must say that my home can get cluttered at times due to having such a busy schedule, and not really favoring cleaning. I must also admit that I'm not the best chef, and after a long day of work, I would like nothing better than to have a dinner cooked for me already, which is why I tend to eat out more than in. However, the lack of being an expert in cooking and cleaning has never stopped me from a successful relationship. As a matter of fact, my significant other of 8 years knew my faults, and loved me past them. If he can do it, so can others.
I think that women need to stop singing the same old anthem of "I cook, I clean, I sex you real good". If cooking and cleaning were SO important to a relationship, then why are so many women that do so still single? Why are they chasing men that don't belong to them? Sure that man is coming over to get a meal, and sure he's going to give you something you can feel later, but after that what happens? More than likely, he won't even be spending the night. Ladies, stop boasting that you're someone's maid. Stop allowing your domestic qualities to control you, because if a man doesn't want you like that, you'll just be the jumpoff with the clean house where he can go to get a good meal. Just sayin.