Sunday, August 8, 2010

Montana Fishburne: WE are to blame, just as much as Kim Kardashian

So many people have negative things to say about Montana Fishburne, actor Laurence Fishburne's daughter who recently moved out of her father's home to pursue a porn star career. She stunned the world by saying that she is following in the steps of Kim Kardashian, and using a sex tape to become a celebrity.

Many automatically lashed out at actor Fishburne, stating that her parents should be more involved in her life, and help her to get back on the right path. Many others jumped to criticize the likes of Kim Kardashian, as well as Paris Hilton for officially making "sleeping your way to the top" a believable dream. The last few days I have thought about this whole ridiculous ideal, and the question that burned up my mind was who is really to blame?

It's obvious Montana is old enough to make her own decisions about her life, and just chose to make some that aren't that smart, but I've come to the conclusion that not only is Kim Kardashian responsible for this mess, but us as a society as well.

When Kim Kardashian came out with a sex tape, think about how many people made it a point to watch it. The same applies for Paris Hilton. Instead of the world standing up and saying this is trashy and gives women a bad look, the world gave them both reality tv shows. What a slap on the hand! What's even worse is that not only did these girls that slept around for fame get tv shows, the world actually tuned in to watch and support them, giving them the fame they have today.We continue to tune into these tv shows, proving to our young sisters, daughters, and nieces that people that exploit themselves end up rich, famous, and adored by all. We put them all over magazine covers, and give them wax figures, then we wonder why our young ladies are starting to sleep around at earlier ages, and why there are so many unwanted teenage pregnancies.

The bottom line is this: We have noone to blame but ourselves for the misguided such as Montana Fishburne. Until we stop glorifying trashy women, our young ladies will continue to follow in their footsteps. Think about that the next time you tune in to "keep up" with the Kardashians.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Freedom from Competition-Joel Osteen's awesome!

I woke up today, excited about going to church, then realized I had nothing appropriate to wear, so I decide to watch the live stream of Lakewood Church, which the famous Joel Osteen pastors. It was very uplifting, and I was very happy that I did. He discussed many things, but most importantly to me, the freedom from competition.

Lots of times in our life, we begin to compete with others. We want to look like someone on a magazine cover. We want to dress like rich chicks. We want the big house on the corner. We want a waist like Beyonce's and so forth. The problem is we are trying to be like someone else instead of running our own race. We were not put on earth to compete with others, everyone was designed differently. Don't get upset when you can't lose enough weight to be a size 6 like your coworker or friend, when you're genetically designed to be a size 16. We spend so much time trying to imitate others that we stop ourselves from truly living up to our full potential. You have to be willing to accept that some people will be better in some areas than you are, because everyone is not running the same race. This is why it is important to only be in competition with yourself. It takes a really confident and faithful person to look at the rest of the world, and say "I'm not competing with you".

The "sizzle factor" Osteen discussed plays a major part in competition. We see the models on magazine covers, the celebs hopping off yachts and out of really nice cars, and we see the girls that bare all, and behave in promiscuous ways that end up overnight "celebrities" on reality tv shows, and we start to find things wrong with ourselves. We begin to think, without even realizing it, that we are less than them because of the glitz and glam. It may not be in your destiny to be on the tv screen, and gracing a magazine cover may not be what God intended you to do.

Often times, we see those around us doing big things, and accumulating success, and although we may pretend we are happy, inside we're sometimes jealous or sad. We begin to wonder why this is happening to others and not ourselves. It's important to loose that spirit of jealousy because it stunts our personal growth. You can't be all that you are designed to be while focusing on another person's fortune. Be happy that they are running their race in a successful way, because when you are able to celebrate others, that's when God will celebrate you. Stay blessed!

Friday, July 30, 2010

This Okeefe guy is too funny!

So I was doing my normal browsing of Youtube in my down time, and I came across a guy named Okeefe that does alot of mockery type skits and songs, which are extremely funny (to me, that is). I've been completely tickled at all these new dances the world has created for men to do, and always find myself thinking of gay men vogueing in an urban type way when I see certain ones. So this video really had me cracking up, because it's almost like a response to my thoughts:

Michaela Jackson wrote a final prayer before murder-suicide

Michaela Jackson, NY native, was found dead in her apartment along with her son, Kenneth Holmes 12, in what appeared to be a murder-suicide. This situation was definitely an unfortunate one, and seemed to come out of the blue. According to Kenneth's father, as well as family and friends, Michaela had just gotten a promotion at her workplace, and also was planning on going to Jamaica. No one saw it coming.

Those that followed her blog, however, should have known something was different when she posted this prayer, which ultimately ended up being her last entry before she took her own life, as well as her sons:

"I sincerely repent of my sins, and receive Jesus as my personal savior," she wrote on Its Micks World. "Now as your child, I turn my entire life over to you".

Normally a prayer like this isn't necessarily shared via a blog for the rest of the world to see, as getting saved is very personal, and usually not for show. This had obviously been on Michaela's mind.

Investigators believe that the stress of taking care of an autistic child overwhelmed her. The question that I have is this: Are parents with autistic children properly trained? This question is especially focused toward minorities and lower income families. Alot of the medication, training, and programs for kids with autism are considered unavailable or too pricey, and many families believe that they can do without. Autism is a serious condition, and requires special treatment that many have no idea of when their child is born. Could proper treatment and being well informed have played a part in saving this child's life,as well as removing extra stress from his mother's?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cooking and Cleaning: Is this REALLY the way to a man's heart?

I've always heard that cooking and cleaning are the way to a man's heart from almost every female I've come across. This is what is taught to many daughters around the country, passed down generation to generation, and this has also become part of the desperate call of the "other woman". Now I understand that cleanliness is a great practice, because it's sanitary, it declutters your life, and it makes anything appear in a nicer way. However, does having a clean home really help you keep your man?
I know many females that are always bragging and boasting about cooking for men, or cleaning their houses because they're dirty. However, most of these women fall into two categories: They are either chasing someone else's man, or they are just a booty call to that guy and either don't know it, or won't admit it.
In my opinion, I don't think that either of those things will keep a man, or win a man's heart. I must say that my home can get cluttered at times due to having such a busy schedule, and not really favoring cleaning. I must also admit that I'm not the best chef, and after a long day of work, I would like nothing better than to have a dinner cooked for me already, which is why I tend to eat out more than in. However, the lack of being an expert in cooking and cleaning has never stopped me from a successful relationship. As a matter of fact, my significant other of 8 years knew my faults, and loved me past them. If he can do it, so can others.
I think that women need to stop singing the same old anthem of "I cook, I clean, I sex you real good". If cooking and cleaning were SO important to a relationship, then why are so many women that do so still single? Why are they chasing men that don't belong to them? Sure that man is coming over to get a meal, and sure he's going to give you something you can feel later, but after that what happens? More than likely, he won't even be spending the night. Ladies, stop boasting that you're someone's maid. Stop allowing your domestic qualities to control you, because if a man doesn't want you like that, you'll just be the jumpoff with the clean house where he can go to get a good meal. Just sayin.

We know who you are, don't fool yourself!

I remember back in middle school and high school when I used to walk around always using the phrase "in real life", to really relay a message about something that's really happening. It was my way of saying "in all actuality,", "Really,", or "honestly," just to give a good idea of how I used this phrase. I have realized over time that there are some people that really should use this phrase when they're talking to others, so that people know when they're lying or not.

This is a topic that is loooooooooooong overdue. Too many people are walking around pretending to be people that they really aren't. This is especially true on social networks. Apparently, social networks seem to be some people's outlets or escape doors into the world of their dreams. There are people that lie about whole lifestyles, from pretending to hit every hot celeb party, all the way to lying about making 6 figures and/or being married.

At what point does one stop and realize that there are people out there who REALLY know who they are, and what goes on in their life? If you are lying to half the people on your facebook or twitter page, do you ever stop and think about the other half that knows you are miserable, alone, broke, and obviously filled with self esteem issues? I mean, honestly, do people really think that they can inform everyone that they work at the mall or as an attendance clerk in a school district, and then post pics every week wearing a different pair of "Christian Louboutins" and "Karen Millen" designer clothes?

The truth is people know when others are trying to put on like they have a glamourous life, and it goes without saying that if you do have such a great life, you would not have to broadcast every little thing you buy, or do, in order to get approval from your social network "fam". My advice to those living lies out there is to:

1. Find something to do with yourself and your time. If you are busy doing productive things, you won't have time to make up unnecessary lies to tell others.

2. Start improving your life day by day in order to achieve the life you really want to lead.

2. Be honest with YOURSELF, because if you can't even begin to really come to terms with what's going on in your life, you can't begin to change the lies you tell using that second or third personality of yours....."in real life".

Monday, June 28, 2010

Alicia Keys......ummmm did you forget?!!!!!

I must say I'm pretty torn with Alicia Keys. I love her music, she's a very beautiful woman, and glows even more now that she is with child. However, I can't seem to get past the hypocrisy. Honestly, here you are, always empowering women, always talking about superwomen, and proving that real women do exist, just to end up snatching up somebody's husband and getting knocked up. I found myself in awe and disgust at the same time when she gave her awards speech and shouted out all the superwomen in the world.

It doesn't stop there. Alicia, did you forget you got a whollllllllllllle baby in your tummy?! As a mother, I have to say that she was very reckless up there on that stage, although I enjoyed the performances. From the Dolce & Gabbana mini dress that all but bared her cooter, to the sky high YSL pumps (red at that, sorry, I don't get the idea of matching that with purple) she wore walking seductively around stage. Does being knocked up make you feel sexier?And if so, why didn't I feel that sexiness when I was pregnant?!

Her "Adore" performance took the cake though. When is it EVER okay when you're 6 months pregnant to climb on stuff?! Not just climbing but rolling around! As my grandparents, parents, and any other old school folks would say, "Get somewhere and SET ya ass DOWN, Alicia!" Now is the time to get back behind that piano and just sing and play!
Here's the Prince tribute performance:
What do you think?

Breakthrough Moment: Chris Brown

I know that I wasn't the only one going through many different emotions last night as I watched the Michael Jackson tribute. One minute I was sneering and making fun of Jermaine Jackson's hair (which he obviously paints on with a sharpie marker), the next I was tweeting @chrisbrown telling him "Dont be nervous, God is with you" right before he hit the stage, then I was stunned and in awe at how brilliant the tribute was. Chris Brown's moves are almost just as good as Michael's! See the performance for yourself:

I honestly feel that Chris was extremely overwhelmed with this being his biggest performance since the Rihanna incident. I think it was a combination of all kinds of mixed feelings, from mourning his idol Michael Jackson, to mourning the loss of the world's admiration for a mistake, all the way to feeling the present love and forgiveness being gained in that one performance. People can say what they want, he is not the first nor the last celebrity that will put their hands on a woman, and although he has made a terrible mistake, forgiveness is long overdue for any of us that claim to be christians. I sincerely believe Chris Brown is back, still EXTREMELY sexy, and will not let his fans down. Team Breezy all the way!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Im sorry, are you important???

Ok, clearly some people just don't like to go unnoticed. Of course we all know that the Saints have made the superbowl, and we also know that where there's a professional athlete jersey, there will also be at least one of the Kardashian sisters. So it comes as no surprise that Kim steps up to the plate, since her man will be participating this year. However, she apparently feels that she is SO important that she has rented an armour vault limo with bulletproof windows and a luxurious interior. This decked out ride (which looks very similiar to a long Brinks truck) can hold up to 28 people, and is rented out at a whopping $8000 nightly, $150,000 if you would like to buy it outright.

I find myself asking why Kim feels that she needs more of a protective vehicle to be transported around in than the freaking team itself. smh Can we say attention seeking? I'm sure everyone in Miami will be dying to rush Kim Kardashian, she's of such an important caliber! smh This isn't your time to shine, Kim. Let your man enjoy his moment. I'm sure the very tight and short dresses you always wear to showcase your backside you paid so much for will get you the attention you die for. Just do a couple of backside photos like you always do. Now excuse me while I (ahem) go make some calls to rent out a tank for myself for the weekend. :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sideline hos gone wild (extreme money wasting inside)

Ok, so this story was definitely hilarious, although I feel very bad for the wife. Apparently Charles Phillips, president of a very well known company, Oracle, has been having an affair on his wife with this chick named Ya Vaughnie (interesting name) for--get this--8 years!!! WHO DOES THAT?! Anywho, he decided to FINALLY start doing right by his wife, and break it off with this tramp, and instead of walking away with dignity, she decided to do what most sideline hos do when they get dumped, only times 100!!!

Ya Vaughnie decided to take intimate pictures that she and Charles had taken over the years , and put them on huge billboards in the three main cities that Charles and his wife go visit, New York times square, San Francisco, and Atlanta. This apparently cost her close to $250,000, hopefully it was his money, or else she's not only lacks self-respect, but also makes very dumb investments!!!! These billboards would be a very romantic gesture......if it was him and his WIFE, not the sideline bimbo!!

I can't even imagine how his poor wife feels. This is truly a very embarrassing and hurtful thing to do to someone. I hope his wife leaves him and takes everything he has! He could do nothing but fess up to his affair after the billboards appeared, so we'll see what happens to his marriage shortly.
This chick Ya Vaughnie has no one to be mad at but herself. You deal with being someone's other woman for 8 years, and you have the nerve to get upset when he doesn't want you anymore?! Women set themselves up for failure believing that a happily ever after will come out of a relationship built on a lie. I have no sympathy for her or her disgusting way of trying to ruin this man because she was rejected. Have some class about yourself, you've been acting with no self respect or dignity this whole 8 years, the least she could've done is bowed out of it with grace. Instead she blasted this man and her own business to the world. What she doesn't realize is.....this kind of behavior wont get you a man of your own sweetheart. Although this was a funny story to read about, it shows men lots of things about this woman: poor money management, no self respect, naivety, and evil ways. I hope this makes men think a little harder before they cheat on their woman. This by far, tops every Affair scandal, including Tiger Woods nonsense.
Cute girl, but a psycho bitch.

Has the topic of child abuse and murder gone cold?

As I flipped through the channels the other day, my attention fell on CBS news, as I saw that another toddler has been harmed, and my heart fell into the pit of my stomach. Aveion Lewis, a beautiful little 2 yr. old is apparently missing, and the cops know that he is dead, although the cops have not been able to find his body. For those of you that haven't heard, here's the rundown.

Brandon Lockett, from the Roanoke area of Virginia, called the cops last Thursday and stated that his step son, Aveion Lewis, had been kidnapped from his home. He stated that three unknown intruders beat him, took Aveion, tied his sister up, and then left a note asking for $10000. He even went on the news pleading for his step son back, with both eyes blackened.

Now he is admitting that his step son was already dead for some time before he contacted authorities, and that he made up the kidnapping story. The cops still have not found Aveion's body, however Lockett has been charged with improper disposal of a human body, child neglect, and obstruction of justice. The mother has been questioned, but not charged with anything. There is however lots of proof, including burns on both legs, that this child was abused in the home.

This angers me for so many different reason, but my main concern is the media. Why is it that the media shed so much light on the Shaniya Davis story, bringing lots of attention to this child abuse matter, but now that it is happening again, there is not nearly as much media coverage? I understand that there are other serious matters such as the Haiti earthquake that killed hundreds of thousands of people, but at the same time, this child abuse and murdering that is continuing to go on in our country needs to be emphasized as much as possible. Why do things like this become trending news topics: one minute it's all they talk about on the news, and the next minute, its a passing story between the obese woman that crushed her boyfriend, and dog twitter pages. We have got to do better at bringing issues like this to light. There are too many children being hurt and killed to not discuss this a lot more than the media does. What if these children were your children, or family members? RIP Aveion Lewis